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Crawford vs Porter Pick

This one sucks... cuz I'd love to take the underdog... but I can't. Bud Crawford is too good. I think he may be the 2nd best pound for pound in the world, (Canelo is 1st). So, the question becomes... how do we bet this fight?

Terence Crawford is notorious for starting slow. He was down 2 rounds to 1 going into the 4th in his last fight vs Kell Brook. He got knocked down by Egidijus Kavaliauskas in the previous fight and ended it later.

So Crawford by decision is tempting... but the truth is he's won 8 straight fights by finish... and I'd be a fool to fade that streak... especially since Porter is a puncher that's gonna come out looking to throw hands.

I think Porter will be up a round or 2 after 6.... and Terence will then take over... like he always does.

The best bet here is Terence Crawford with a late knockout.





CRAWFORD RDS 7-12 (+225) | .5U

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